After buying a new house and getting all the stuff moved in, the next task for most of us is making that new Fairhope house feel like home. There is, after all, a huge difference between a living space equipped with all the necessities and plenty of amenities and an inviting place that reflects your personality where you want to spend as much time as you can. So, let’s see what you can do toward that end.
Put Up and Clean Up
The first step in making your new Fairhope house feel like home is putting everything in its place and cleaning thoroughly as soon as possible. This sounds painfully obvious, but between the exhaustion and excitement of the move, doing these things in their entirety often gets put off for weeks or even months. And studies are now revealing that clutter and having things out of place are big contributors to stress. So, as soon as possible, put up all that stuff and clean the new house to make it a place where you can relax and feel truly at home.
Dress the Windows
Usually, when you move into a new house, the windows have only blinds or unexciting curtains on them. So to warm the house and make it an inviting, attractive space, dress up those windows. Curtains and drapes that reflect your style will go a long way toward making your new Fairhope house feel like home. And doing so will help you save on utility bills as well.
Use Pillows and Throws
Pillows and throws on the couches and chairs will do a lot to make the new house have a homey feel. In fact, decorating experts agree that having too many is better than having too few. The fact is bare, unadorned furniture just isn’t very inviting.
Improve the Air
Keep in mind, too, that making your new Fairhope house feel like home involves more senses than just sight. It’s also important to improve the air quality. And the first and most important step here is to change the furnace and AC filters – and to keep them changed regularly. Then, after having taken this first fundamental step, you can move on to your favorite scented candles and potpourri.
Fill it With Plants and Flowers
Another way to help improve air quality while at the same time adding eye-catching touches of green is to set out plenty of plants around the house. And don’t be stingy with flowers either. Almost nothing makes a room feel homier than vases filled with beautiful, colorful flowers. So use plants and flowers to drive out the drab and enhance the home-feel factor.
Hang Art on the Walls
Many times, people put off hanging pictures and other art objects because the simply can’t decide where to put them. But just go ahead and do it. Research has shown that looking at and contemplating art can reduce stress and make people feel happier. And home should be a happy place.
First Step Last
We’ve saved the first step toward making your new Fairhope house feel like home for last because it is the most important. And that is to make sure the house is right for you: the right size, the right layout, the desired amenities, the most suitable location, and so on. Because if you don’t get this right and no matter how much effort and money you put into making that house feel like home, it will likely just remain a house you happen to be living in. This is where the knowledge and help of qualified real estate professionals can be immensely helpful.